Data Collection
Predictive Text App
TransPerfect expedites global launch of predictive text app with large-scale keyboard data collection.
The Problem
Our client, a leading Fortune 100 tech company that specializes in AI products, was developing a predictive text app for their device’s onscreen keyboard. Rapid and high-quality data collection needed to take place simultaneously in several countries to meet the client’s timeline for release.
• • • •The Solution• • • •
As the app was still under development, we simulated its use by setting up a specialized data-collection ecosystem. After three successful pilots in France, Mexico, and Italy, we completed six additional large-scale collections in Europe, the United States, and Asia. For each one, we recruited 1,000 participants and collected millions of words while meeting the data specifications and demographic requirements. Each participant processed thousands of words in a real-life environment. At the same time, since we were working on a pre-release product, we set up secure areas and confidentiality protocols to prevent an information leak. Our ability to collect data rapidly and report accurately on different parameters was the key to enabling our client’s timely product release.

DataForce has a global community of over 1,000,000 members from around the globe and linguistic experts in over 250 languages. DataForce is its own platform but can also use client or third-party tools. This way, your data is always under control.